The Ramenator Quiz!
How many letters are there in "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"?
A - 34
B - 32
C - 36
D - 35
How many letters are there in the longest German word "Kraftfahrzeug-Haftpflichtversicherung"?
A - 21
B - 42
C - 36
D - 56
How many letters are there in the longest English word "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis"?
A - 53
B - 45
C - 32
D - 56
How many letters are there in the longest Russian word "Tetragidropiranilciklopentiltetragidropiridopiridinovaya"?
A - 55
B - 23
C - 99
D - 47
What is my rule?
A - Press Ctrl+U to steal
B - Give credit to neildaniel00
C - Commercial use for this font requires a license.
D - I have no rules.
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